

Explore the modules offered with Pelt8. Select the ones that are relevant to you to make your reporting hassle-free.



Explore the modules offered with Pelt8. Select the ones that are relevant to you to make your reporting hassle-free.



Explore the modules offered with Pelt8. Select the ones that are relevant to you to make your reporting hassle-free.

Report Management

Use Pelt8 to create individualised reports according to your company´s needs. Follow international standards such as GRI, ESRS or TCFD.

  • Single or multi-standard reporting

  • Supplier questionnaires

  • Pre-configured reporting template

Data & KPI Management

Pelt8 streamlines your processes by efficiently collecting data, allowing seamless KPI calculation and responsibility assignment to enhance organizational decision-making.

  • Data Collection for numeric, narrative and semi-narrative data

  • Flexible collection intervals

  • Progress tracking for collection progress

  • Assign responsibilities for data points

  • Data validation

  • Data tagging

  • KPI calculations with collected data

Carbon Management

Build your CO2 report with Pelt8 and differentiate between Scopes 1,2 and 3.

  • Access over 50´000 emission factors from international libraries

  • Track your emissions via the emissions dashboard

  • Calculate your Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions


Pelt8 enables an audit-ready data collection and management process.

  • Invite an external auditor to analyze your reported data and KPIs

  • CO2 report certification

Transition Management

Go the next step on your sustainability journey with Pelt8 by leveraging your collected data to embark on your sustainability transition.

  • Set sustainability targets

  • Follow your progress

  • Simulations and scenarios (Upcoming)

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